Super easy, delicious and reheats well! This (loosely inspired by German potato salad) recipe is tasty hot or cold and great for outdoor dining - no mayo...
This Asian coleslaw is lightened up a bit by using only 3 tablespoons of olive oil and a sugar alternative like Splenda to make this kid friendly, flavorful...
So refreshing and colorful! Great as a side dish or a salad on its own. A 'slap-chop' works great if you have one. When I bring this to a party, I keep...
The dressing for this dish is a marinade made from beef consomme, tarragon vinegar, and a good neutral oil. Serve on lettuce-lined plates for an attractive...
The usually undercooked potatoes and lack of mayo characteristic of German potato salad have usually hindered my appreciation for this dish. So in my version,...
To come up with this dish, I used a number of different recipes plus some ideas of my own. It's great for potluck because it's made the night before and...
When you get home from work, you hardly want a big production for dinner. That's when this recipe can be your standby. Cook your ground turkey, then add...
This is one of my favorite recipes handed down from my mom. The best thing is there are lots of vegetables and flavors, and it's usually a welcome change...
When people think of coleslaw, they think of that bowl of soggy, shredded cabbage sitting at the end of the picnic table. This is a completely different...
Bok choy is in the cabbage family, and is very popular in China. In this recipe, it is shredded to resemble a coleslaw, but that is where the resemblance...
This is the coleslaw recipe from the Brookville Hotel, formerly in Brookville, Kansas. They have since relocated to Abilene. It's easy to take to a potluck,...
Artisan coleslaw has become a passion of mine recently. Celery root adds a unique taste and a plethora of health benefits. As does the apple cider vinaigrette,...
I was looking for a lower-calorie way to make my husband's favorite summer side dish, as my traditional potato salad was laden with eggs and mayo! The...
My carrot slaw is very different from any other summer slaw and is so pretty too! Very simple to make and this is sure to be a hit at picnics as well as...
This slaw takes days to make, so it's hard to keep up with having it ready for my family! We eat this several times a week! This goes great with my husband's...
I took the base of Martha Stewart's cucumber radish slaw and changed it up. This is great on top of tacos or with pork. You can use it like any other coleslaw....
A refreshing summer slaw that blends the flavor of peaches, savoy cabbage, red bell peppers, and pecans. I first enjoyed this slaw at a garden party in...
Here's a refreshing salad that you can feast on without fear. It's low-calorie and packed with disease-fighting antioxidants in the cabbage, onion, mango...
I've changed my Nana's original Southern carrot slaw recipe to be a little healthier, but it's still quick, easy, and delicious! Sometimes, instead of...
Flavorful take on an old bbq standby. Other seasonings can be added as well, depending on preference. I find that chili powder adds a nice kick. Serve...